Ask Me Where I'm Going, Ask Me Where I've Been

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Through Wales to England

Hello Again,

We have made it through Dublin, Wales, and finally to England. We are currently staying in a town called Crewe. We actually just got back from a geo cache find! There was a lovely nature trail just across the road from our hotel. Since Philip had already researched the location of the cache we actually found it. We took away a Christmas ornament and a key chain advertising ferret food? We left a plastic Galax leaf, silly putty, and a wheat penny. As we left the woods and trail there were hordes of rabbits everywhere. They are like deer here. Each step we took sent 20-30 of them hopping off.

We also visited a castle today in Wales. The view was incredible! How is it that the landscape in Wales is such a well kept secret? It was gorgeous!!! When we get our pictures better organized, I'll post them. They are a mess at the moment and we hardly have time to breath, let alone get online.

Unfortunately, I can now say that I have missed seeing Wicked 6 times. We couldn't order the West End tickets in time so they sold out. Our tour director, Emma, knew how disappointed I would be, so she tried very hard to get us two of the few remaining tickets. Since we could no longer get the group rate, we decided to decline, much to my heartbreak. We are, however, going to see a show at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, which I can't see anywhere else. This is a decent compromise.

Since our wake-up call is at 6 am and it is now after 11 pm, I'll end here for now. More to come. London is tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm love following your blog. I like your choices of things to leave behind. Can't wait to hear about everything when you get back. Take Care and Safe Travels.
